International Association for Forensic Psychotherapy
Konstanz – Zentrum für Psychiatrie Reichenau and Konstanz University
Thu 9th May 2019 6:00 pm - Sat 11th May 2019 6:00 pm
After the 20th century World Wars, humanity became seriously concerned about maintaining peace and safety. Progress was made but this new century has seen a return to wars and genocides supported by weapons and exacerbated by the widening of the global split between poor and rich. As a consequence; flight, displacement and migration have become key issues. Extreme right-wing politics and their particular rhetoric are prominent in the political sphere. Values of coexistence, cooperation, understanding and human rights risk being seen as signs of weakness and impotence. In this conference we will be exploring these themes in relation to forensic psychotherapy’s contribution to improving the lives of migrants, refugees and all involved.